Non-deposit products: Are not FDIC insured; Are not deposits; May lose value.
Le ayudamos a planificar para mañana.
Holding hands

Servicios personalizados

Nuestros servicios personalizados para construir y preservar su patrimonio incluyen:

  • Planeación de la transferencia de patrimonio
  • Soluciones de fideicomiso personalizado
  • Fundaciones y legados
  • Administración del fideicomiso
  • Liquidación de bienes
  • Tutelas
Couple on bench

Nuestras capacidades

En función de sus necesidades y situación, Nicolet puede actuar en la capacidad de:

  • Fideicomisario único
  • Co-fideicomisario
  • Fideicomisario sucesor
  • Representante personal
  • Co-representante personal
  • Guardián de los bienes


Investment and insurance products are subject to risks, including possible loss of principal, and are:
• NOT FDIC insured  • NOT insured by any federal government agency
• NEITHER deposits or other obligations of, NOR guaranteed by, Nicolet National Bank or any of its affiliates.

Nicolet Advisory Services, LLC, is an investment adviser, registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, and an affiliate of Nicolet National Bank.

Advisory services offered through Nicolet Advisory Services, LLC, a Registered Investment Advisor. Securities and insurance products offered through Private Client Services ("PCS"), member FINRA/SIPC. PCS is not affiliated with Nicolet National Bank, Nicolet Wealth Management or Nicolet Advisory Services.

Trust and retirement plan level services offered through Nicolet National Bank, a national bank with trust powers.

Past market activity is not indicative of future results, and changes in any assumptions may have a material effect on projected outcomes. Investing in securities entails risk, and the potential for losing money always exists when investing in securities. Asset allocation, rebalancing, and asset diversification will not ensure account protection in a declining market, and cannot be relied upon to enhance gains in a rising market.

Neither Nicolet Advisory Services nor its affiliates offer tax or legal advice. Investors should consult with their legal and tax professionals before making investment decisions.